(224) 717-3799

Wildlife Trapping Professionals Lake County, Illinois

Call us now at (224) 717-3799 for professional wildlife removal services in Lake County, IL.

Featured Pests of Lake County Illinois

We are a professional animal removal company headquartered in Lake County, and servicing all of Lake County, IL. We solve problems with wild critters in the home and around the property. We handle animals such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rats, mice, opossums, and even snakes, bats, and birds. We most commonly receive calls about scratching sounds in your attic, or digging in your lawn, or many other critter problems. We not only remove animals, but we provide a wide array of services, from animal damage repairs, preventative home repairs, attic cleaning, and more. We are fully licensed and insured in Illinois, and we answer our phones 24/7. Call us now at (224) 717-3799 for a free price quote and to schedule a same-day or next day appointment for animal removal.

Wildlife can be adorable out in the wild, but when wild animals get inside your home will quickly become a major problem! Whether it may squirrel in your attic, raccoons in your basement, roosting birds to your roof, and moles digging up your beautiful lawn! Wildlife can cause damage to your home and bring harm to your family. If you want to protect your home and your family, you can contact our wildlife professionals at our company! With 24/7 customer assistance through the phone and highly trained technicians, we guarantee to bring our clients real results. We offer all sorts of kinds of services from area clean-up, wildlife preventive measures, insulation installments, animal removals, and professional-grade repairs. We pride ourselves on being the most effective rodent control company in the city. We solve the root of the problem, by identifying the entry holes into your house and sealing them shut. We can often remove animals without harmful traps, by using exclusion devices that get them out of your house, and unable to get back in. Most of all, we pride ourselves in practicing various humane methods in taking care of the job. When the tougher gets tough especially in wildlife intruding your property, say no more and contact us whenever you need help.

About Our Company

Services We Offer

  • Wildlife Trapping
  • Prevention Repairs
  • Attic Cleanup

Best service in Lake County

  • Superior wildlife control from attic to yard, start to finish.
  • Available 24/7 with weekend and same-day appointments
  • Humane treatment of animals and professional service for you.
We are competitively priced, but for the value you get, we are the best. Not all companies are the same! A pest control company will bill you monthly, for years, but never solve the problem. We solve your wildlife problem, permanently, the first time. No two jobs are exactly alike, so call us at (224) 717-3799 for a price quote.

Client Testimonials

Lake County Wildlife Trapper Tip of the Month:

Common Problems Groundhogs Cause

Groundhogs are stocky mammals, and they look cute with their sharp, short legs and short bushy tails. Their fur ranges from dark to brown with Very light guard hairs, making them sometimes look frosted. Front feet of groundhogs have long, curved claws used for digging burrows. They weigh between five and ten pounds and males are usually slightly larger than females. Anyhow, they can cause great trouble if they got the chance to get into your house. 

Groundhogs can be quite a nuisance mainly because of the nature of burrows that they dig; generally, groundhogs may cause:

  • Significant damage to the crops, especially when they dig under the plants which lead to the destruction of the roots.
  • They burrow holes and dirt mounds that interfere with the operation of several types of equipment used on the farm
  • Burrow holes can pose a threat to livestock and other farm animals.

Problems, Solutions, and Health Concerns:

Groundhogs can cause significant damage to farmers and home gardeners. They love to eat vegetables and are a major reasons to weak the soil in areas where they burrow, resulting in damage to farm equipment and injuries to horses and livestock. In extreme cases, groundhog burrows have even been known to harm the foundations of barns, garages, or homes.


Rabies also can be a priority for people that have groundhogs on their property. They are mammals, making them susceptible to the disease.


There are a few solutions to folks who are having an issue with groundhogs. By installing a wire mesh fence can deter groundhogs from browsing your gardens and crops. You must, however, make the wall extend down into the ground at least two feet. They are excellent diggers; installing a simple fence from the ground up may not do the trick. You should also extend a one-foot, angled section from the top of the wall. Some groundhogs have been observed climbing short, vertical rails.

Use of Ammonia soaked rags

Using ammonia-soaked bags can be a great way to get rid of them. Place the rags neat to the targeted area when they can feel the odor clearly. If you are worried about the ammonia burning your lawn, you can place them on pieces of wood. If you have a cat, used kitty litter will serve the same purpose.

If all else fails, you can use a live trap to take away groundhogs from your property. Always ask your state wildlife agency before relocating any animals from your property. There may be laws in your area, prohibiting you from doing so. Relocating groundhogs is against the law in some states, due partially to fears of spreading rabies.

Public health concerns

Woodchucks aren't considered to be a source of any infectious disease that will be transmitted to humans. However, they will get rabies and should be aggressive when this disease has taken its final hold on them. Because of this, unprovoked attacks by woodchucks must be treated very seriously as potential rabies exposures.

Getting an Animal Out of My Garage
Common Problems Bats Cause